DTB Wealth Newsletter | December 2024
Change brings opportunity.
DTB Wealth Newsletter | June 2024
What is the money for? Start with the end in mind.
DTB Wealth Newsletter | March 2024
Knowing why, can lead to a wealthy life.
DTB Wealth Q4 Newsletter | December 2023
“Not everything that is counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted” – Albert Einstein.
DTB Wealth Newsletter | July 2023
Wealth management isn’t just about beating the market; it’s also about crafting and sustaining your ideal lifestyle.
Business Update | David Terbrugge Joins DTB Wealth
In the business world, mergers and acquisitions are common occurrences. People often come together to combine their resources, expertise, ideas, and client bases to create a stronger and more competitive entity.
The difference between being Rich and having Wealth
Quite comfortably the best investor psychology book of the year in my opinion has been Morgan Housel’s’ The Psychology of Money – Timeless lessons on wealth, greed and happiness. We keep buying more and more copies in the office to give away as the lessons in this…
5 Reasons for clients to stay invested
The first part of 2022 was painful to markets and investors. Fears of inflation spiraling out of control, followed by rapid and potentially large interest rate increases by the US Federal Reserve which could potential lead to a recession in 2023 or 2024 are spooking investors and leading to very volatile markets.
How long does it take to get money out of an investment?
There will always come a time when you need to access some of the money you have saved. After all, you put it away for a purpose. But, unfortunately, investments don’t operate like bank accounts. Withdrawing funds is often not as easy as simply logging onto an app and…
Doing our 67 minutes for Mandela Day
On 18 July, in a small attempt to do our bit on Mandela Day, the extended DTB family gave a couple of hours of our time to the people who need help most. It was the least we could do to combat the glaring inequalities in South Africa.

Contact Us
To start planning your wealth journey.
Tel: +27 11 033 3400
Ground Floor, Building3, Commerce Square,
39 Rivonia Road (entrance in Helling Rd)
Sandhurst, Johannesburg, 2196
Directors: RR Thomson – BA LLB, LLM (Tax), MPHIL, CFP® | A Bacher – CFA®, CFP® | DJ Terbrugge – CFP®, BCom, PDM | CE van Loggerenberg
Delport Thomson Bacher Wealth Management (Pty) Ltd t/a DTB Wealth | Reg No: CK 2009/002486/07 | VAT No: 4810211070 | FSP No: 3596
© Copyright 2023 DTB Wealth.